C5i-experienced (eculizumab or ravulizumab) patients and complement inhibitor–naive patients can share common challenges of PNH

Patients currently on C5is
These patients may1-5:
Have below-normal Hb: Hb level <12 for women or <13 for men*
Be looking for an option other than infusions
Require ≥1 RBC transfusion per year
Have elevated ARC
Experience fatigue
*Normal Hb levels vary, but generally are between 12-16 g/dL for women and 13-18 g/dL for men.5

Newly diagnosed patients or those not on a complement inhibitor
These patients may3,4,6:
Have an Hb level <10 g/dL
Require ≥1 RBC transfusion per year
Have elevated ARC and/or LDH levels
Experience fatigue
What are some of the challenges your patients with PNH experience?
Oral FABHALTA represents a novel approach to complement inhibition that can help deliver comprehensive hemolysis control (IVH and EVH)
FABHALTA is a Factor B inhibitor that acts proximally in the alternative pathway of the complement system7
Click on image to enlarge.
Proximal (upstream)
C3b opsonization drives EVH in the liver and spleen, which can emerge in a proportion of patients treated with a C5i1,8-14,†Terminal (downstream)
MAC formation drives IVH, the primary type of hemolysis seen in treatment-naive patients8,9,15
FABHALTA acts proximally in the alternative complement pathway to control both C3b-mediated extravascular hemolysis and terminal complement–mediated intravascular hemolysis.
†Based on preliminary studies in patients treated with eculizumab suggesting terminal complement inhibition induces C3 fragment deposition on PNH RBCs. The C3 fragments trigger destruction of the RBCs by macrophages, making EVH a potential consequence of terminal complement inhibition. Additional studies are needed to further understand the impact of terminal complement inhibition on EVH.1,8-14
FABHALTA (Fab-HALT-ah) describes a Factor B inhibitor (FAB) of the alternative pathway (ALTA) of the complement system7
See how FABHALTA controls both IVH and EVH7