Choose FABHALTA—a groundbreaking treatment that helps deliver substantial Hb improvements in both C5i-experienced and complement inhibitor–naive adults with PNH
Groundbreaking Hb improvements with the first and only FDA-approved oral monotherapy for adults with PNH1
APPLY primary end points (FABHALTA vs C5is [eculizumab or ravulizumab]): response rates for sustained Hb increase of ≥2 g/dL: 82.3% (N=62) vs 0% (N=35) with C5is (difference: 81.5; 95% CI, 71.6-91.4; P<0.0001). Response rates for sustained Hb of ≥12 g/dL: 67.7% (N=62) vs 0% (N=35) with C5is (difference: 66.6; 95% CI, 54.6-78.6; P<0.0001). Differences reflect an adjusted difference in proportion
APPOINT single-arm study primary end point: response rates for sustained Hb increase ≥2 g/dL: 77.5% (N=40; 95% CI, 61.5-89.2)
All primary end points were measured in the absence of RBC transfusions after 24 weeks
Learn more about FABHALTA data in C5i-experienced and complement inhibitor–naive patients
FABHALTA is an FDA-approved treatment for adults with PNH. FABHALTA has displayed efficacy in C5i-experienced and complement inhibitor–naive patients with PNH.1
FABHALTA (Fab-HALT-ah) describes a Factor B inhibitor (FAB) of the alternative pathway (ALTA) of the complement system.1